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Need-To-Know Insights, Guidance, and News to Secure Your Benefits

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US Education Government Grants: What You Need to Know About Assistance Programs

The US government offers various grant assistance programs to help needy students. These grants reach them through multiple departments, including the Department of Education, Labor, and Health a...

Failing Comic Book Stores Set to Receive Grants

In times of economic downturn, particularly in recessions with high levels of unemployment, people do not spend money on items that are mostly considered luxuries. This includes fancier, more expensive food items, new items ...

Why Grants And Loan Differences Cause Friction

There are many different types of grants that are given out, especially during times like these, as the Covid-19 pandemic sweeps the globe. Many nations are busy handing out grants to small businesses and the people who own t...

Take Advantaged of Minority-Owned Small Business Development Grants

Fortune 500 businesses and large corporations can secure funding during this economic downturn. This leaves many local businesses struggling to obtain basic funding. In this sea of dolphins, whales, and sha...

McHenry County Businesses to Receive Emergency Grants

When people hear news about the state of Illinois and how they're doing with the novel coronavirus outbreak, 9 of 10 stories are usually about Chicago. Though the entire state is suffering due to the pandemic, like...

Puerto Rico Receives New FEMA Grants for Hurricane Recovery

Hurricane Maria, a Category 5 tropical cyclone, blew over the Caribbean in 2017. To date, it's the tenth-most intense hurricane to have formed in the Atlantic Ocean. The hurricane passed over the United States terri...

State of Washington Issues Behavioral Health Grants

On October 30, the Washington State Department of Commerce announced that it is beginning the process of distributing $33.8 million in grants for help to people with behavioral health needs. The money will go to 22 projects...

Community Grants Awarded for Suicide Prevention Programs in Michigan

Although suicide among young people is thankfully rare, the rate of suicide is likely increasing in 2020. In Michigan, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has issued nine grants totaling $650,000 for the pur...

The Government Investigates the Government on Grant Abuses

Not everyone in America knows this, mostly because the corporate news media doesn't cover it at all, but there are billions of dollars missing in COVID relief money. Some estimate that it's over $300 bil...